

Exciton Science is a leading representative of Centres of Excellence and renewable energy research among science advocacy bodies through its involvement with Science & Technology Australia and the Science Meets Parliament forum.

Centre members have positioned themselves as authoritative thought leaders influencing government policy relating to scientific funding at a federal level.

Science Meets Parliament

Exciton Science continued its close cooperation with Science and Technology Australia by sponsoring and participating in Science Meets Parliament.

According to STA, “this event offers an unrivalled program of bespoke training to forge deeper connections between federal Parliamentarians and those working in science and technology.

“It plays a crucial role to build relationships to bring STEM expertise even more deeply into the service of the nation. It does so by giving STEM experts a deeper understanding of how to engage effectively with policymakers.

“And it helps policymakers to connect with key experts in science and technology.”

The program featured expert-led professional development, a welcome reception, a Parliamentary forum, national gala dinner, a televised National Press Club address, and opportunities for delegates to meet in small groups privately with Parliamentarians.

Exciton Science representatives in 2022 included Dr Will Kendrick, Dr Anchal Yadav, Claire Dawson and Samantha Zaman.

Writing about his experience, Will said: “Science Meets Parliament 2022 was a week-long event that aimed to enhance the communication skills of science professionals and enhance our understanding of decision-making processes.

“The program consisted of training and hands-on activities designed to improve the communication of our science to policymakers. The highlight of the event was a virtual meeting with Adam Bandt MP, where we discussed a range of science and policy topics.

“The program was a valuable experience that provided me with an opportunity to understand the external perception of scientific research and to represent Exciton Science to the political sector.”

Sam, a PhD student the University of Melbourne and KU Leuven, said: “During Science meets Parliament 2022, I attended the National Gala Dinner. This was a dinner hosted in every state that was all live streamed to one another. It was excellent to be able to attend a dinner with so many inspiring leaders in science, including members of parliament and prominent academics. We also got to hear from the then newly sworn-in Minister of Industry and Science. It was especially good to attend an event with such notable people as a first year PhD student. Whilst I didn’t get the chance to speak to any MPs, I spoke with academics further along in their careers in different fields of science. I was able to hear about how they built their careers and received advice on how to maximise my time as a PhD student. The dinner was a great opportunity to connect with people I would not have been able to meet otherwise while also getting to eat some fantastic Indigenous food.”

Will Kendrick

Will Kendrick

Sam Zaman

Sam Zaman

Kate McGeoch

Exciton Science Chief Operating Officer

Kate McGeoch appointed to STA Policy Committee

Exciton Science Chief Operating Officer Kate McGeoch has been appointed to the STEM Sector Policy Committee of Science and Technology Australia.

The committee plays a crucial role informing the highly influential advocacy of STA, Australia’s peak body in science and technology.

“This is a crucial moment for the research sector in Australia,” Kate said.

“The recent election represents a vital opportunity to repair the relationship between universities and government.

“Between the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and a destructive conflict in Europe, that have wide political, economic and social impacts, the need for scientific expertise to provide considered advice on how to tackle these challenges has never been greater.

“I’m looking forward to lending my insight and experience to STA. I hope to be able to encourage the transformational change that enables Australian academia to fulfil its untapped potential.”

Kate has extensive experience in the administration of major publicly funded research projects. Since 2017 she has managed three major Australian Research Council-funded initiatives, including an Industrial Transformation Research Project and two Centres of Excellences in the role of Chief Operating Officer.

Kate holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons), a Master of Arts (Philosophy) and a Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) from Monash University, and a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the ANU.

She is also a contributor to the inaugural edition of Innovation Papers.

Two other new members have joined the Policy Committee in addition to Kate. They are Associate Professor Vanessa Wong of Monash University, who is the Soil Science Australia President, and geneticist Dr Miloš Tanurdžić of the University of Queensland.

“Science & Technology Australia is thrilled to welcome our newest committee members, and congratulate those re-appointed. They bring vast experience, deep expertise, and a strong drive to contribute to the work of STA,” STA President Professor Mark Hutchinson said.

“We are delighted that so many impressive science and research leaders have put their hands up to serve. Their deep expertise and insights will be invaluable to the work ahead.”